
In this installation, new meat production systems are created to stimulate thinking about the ethical relationship between humans and animals in the context of the development of culture meat technology. The work tries to bring people into the food production system, playing two roles at once: pet owner and co-creator of the product. The choices people make in raising chicken  affect the production of chicken  meat and thus the consumption of meat products in a customized manner. By asking the question in a way that blurs the boundary between animals as food and pets, does cultured  meat technology really liberate dietary ethics or deepen cognitive violence in a capital structure?

The whole thing is made up of three parts, as you can see. The top is a bionic chicken, while the lower half of the installation is the "meat" that is growing, and the meat that is being stored. On the screen is a conceptual online chicken farming app. And as you can see, he's a whole desire machine.


Why is that?

Before I finished it, I went to two different kinds of farms to do research, including traditional chicken farms and factory farms.

The workers told me that when the egg changes color, there is a potential for mutation, and usually at this time, they inject genes into the egg to make it more pure

On factory farms, roosters are kept in cages at a 9:1 ratio to hens. To add more fertilized eggs

In the traditional farm, many warm stories of farmers and chickens were harvested. It also reminds me of the chicken I used to raise at home, like a pet, but he also became our food.

When discomfort and moral feelings are aroused, we return to thinking about ethics.This is also my approach to design, 


culture meat as ethic probes.

I try to create a visual experience that balances the opposition between large mechanized production and private intimacy, machinery and life. This is also what I felt during the research, the production of large machinery, capital structure-oriented, is a process of mechanization of life. 


In this machine, it seems that every part is living, but it is driven by human desire.  In this machine, every part seems to be a living body, but what drives him is human desire.It's not fair when people are so preoccupied with what they want that they ignore the reality of other beings.  And making this device to challenge ethics and surprise people is not what I want to accomplish.


  I reflect on my obsession with relationships and respect my desire to eat meat.  In fact, the problem oriented by exploring people's desire is how people aim at the object, and in a love-flowing relationship, the subject and object gradually merge into a process, where there is me in you, and you in me.  From personal to family to collective feelings, human beings are exploring the existence of more empathetic and connected emotions.  Huge bodies, from collaborators to family members to human and non-human life forms, are more prone to fear and pain in the face of exploitation and manipulation, and this may be related to the perception of the desire machine, and it breeds love.


Adrift, A Shift

June 29th - July 6th

Willem Twee Kunstruimte
Boschdijkstraat 100, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch