
tap or click on the image here, or scan the qr code to be guided to my combined music playlist that harnesses the songs corresponding to the writings of my thesis.

voice, rythm, movement and sound come together in a thinking-through-making and making-through thinking methodology. as an embodiment of the present moment, past traumatic experiences can pass through and be worked through, granting it volume to exist and offer it new light.

music and song is used as a tool of expression, embodiment and activation.

the fight-flight-freeze responses  are appropriated to form the fight-flight-float response. 

The three responses are juxtaposed to 3 animals and 3 approaches from threeing by Paul Ryan. 

flight - scorpion - impulse

flight - turtle - response

float - fish - mediation

Build up of Safety Trap Act and Shellve Too (2023), Kunstruimte Willem Twee, 's-Hertogenbosch

An artwork made of XPS foam, on a fitness mat filled with golf balls. Each golf ball has the word floater on it.

Swinging Weight x Fight, Flight, Float (2023) [Picture by Xingrong Qiao]

Swinging Weight x Fight, Flight, Float (2023) [Picture by Xingrong Qiao]

Untitled (2022) [Picture taken by Xingrong Qiao]


Adrift, A Shift

June 29th - July 6th

Willem Twee Kunstruimte
Boschdijkstraat 100, 5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch